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Why it is the most important time of the year for any junior player?


You are in Middle School:

  • Working on your game while having great fun should be your priority.
  • Attend camps at academies or college campuses where you will find players of your similar level (or better) and interest.
  • If possible get weekly private lessons. Work on your weaknesses.
  • Play a few tournaments but rankings are not important at this time.
  • Start getting familiarized with UTR.

You will be a Freshman:

  • Perfect time for development. More “quality” (not quantity) hours on the court. Making key changes and focusing on specific areas of your game.
  • Playing tournaments is important but secondary. Work with your coach on a tournament calendar around your training.
  • Work on fitness
  • Have fun and take time off the courts with your family

You will be a Sophomore:

  • Working on your game is also very important, but you want to play at least 3-4 tournaments.  
  • Depending on your level, build a calendar that includes those events where you will have the best chance to compete well. Look for players with similar UTR.
  • Participate in your first college showcase to get some experience and compare yourself with other players.
  • Have fun and take time off the courts with your family

You will be a Junior:

  • This is a great time to combine tough training and improving your ranking and UTR. Also getting in your best possible shape.
  • Discuss your tournament calendar with your coach and parents. If possible, have someone with you that can provide professional feedback on your match play. Play at least 5-6 tournaments.
  • Participate in a couple of showcases that will give you great exposure in front of college coaches and serve as a measuring stick of your level. Make sure you have communicated with them previously.
  • Do some college visits. Get a feel for a college campus.
  • Have fun and take time off the courts with your family

You will be a Senior

  • This is your time to “shine”... your results this summer could have an impact towards your recruiting.
  • Your training should be focused on “supervised match play”.  Get feedback!
  • Build a smart tournament schedule that allows you to improve your ranking and UTR. Maybe a combination of USTA, ITF, ITA  and UTR events. At least 6-7 tournaments.
  • Showcases are a must! Unless you have a very strong UTR (+13 boys / +11 girls), you need to get in front of college coaches. Research to make sure you attend the right showcase. There are some good ones out there.
  • Have fun and take time off the courts with your family

By Thomas E. Anderson

CEO & Founder at University Sports Program

UTR Business Development Advisor

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